My scan is set for 6/2 in Charleston at 8:30 in the morning, Brad is able to get off, but at this point we don’t know if he will be allowed to come in or not. As of right now they aren’t allowing anyone to come in with testing, but by June they are unsure. I am glad that the testing is schedule, but at the same time, it made it so much more real, if that makes sense. It’s just exhausting, tomorrow I have to go for blood work, and I cant take the boys like normal so I have to take them somewhere, and I have someone but still I feel like a burden, I hate asking for help, I hate needing help, I don’t like feeling like a burden, and that’s what I see with this whole thing, and with Covid-19 it makes it that much more difficult. Last night was rough I think I got about 1 hour of sleep, my chest was just hurting is the wrong word, it doesnt hurt, I can feel my heart, sometimes more then others, and last night was almost unbearable. I am thankful that Brad can get off, I know he is, he was worried about me being that far away and what if something happened with the test or whatever and he was here, but man 8:30 in the morning is crazy. There are food, and drink restrictions so thats why it has to be in the morning and it takes about 4 hours, so makes sense but far drive. Tuesday night Bible study picked to do Revelation as the next study, and God knew why, He is already working on me through it, and it keeps me busy, it keeps me focused on Him, and not Amyloidosis. So next step blood work tomorrow, then the scan, then hopefully we know what we are going to do next..

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