One minute I am in a waiting room and then BOOM the doors bust open! I have not heard back from my covid test yet, so Tuesdays test is up in the air. Please pray that we get that back before Monday or Monday so I can get this test done and we can move forward. I heard back from the trial, and we have started the process. Yesterday I sat down with Lucy and Michelle and asked them if they would be able to help with the boys because the trial has me traveling to Indiana a lot. In the trial its all covered, travel, hotel, food, and he medicine itself for 2 years is the length.

They were talking about me flying out there around the 3rd week in August to get screened to see if I qualify for it. I felt so selfish for asking for help with my boys, but they made it so easy, there wasn’t even a hesitation of let me think about it, let me get back to you. I know I have had several people ask to watch my boys, and I am appreciative of that, but my boys have special needs, and it takes awhile before anyone can just watch them. But God has grown my circle of who can and I am thankful for that. It always amazes me how God sets things up years before for moments like this. Lucy was just a teacher for Bradley who became like family, Michelle was jamberry nails and I didnt even do nails who has become family, but this was years ago, but God knew, so I dont know why I waiver. I pray that if God wants me on this trial He will swing the doors wide open! We are moving forward, its been a long walk but we are moving….

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