“The hour is dark, and it’s hard to see, what You are doing, here in the ruins and where this will lead. O but I know that down through the years, I look on this moment and see your hand on it and know You were here..”–The Story I’ll tell
It’s here, the 2nd medicine that Dr. Judge ordered is here. This will try and stablize the rouge gene and slow progression down. I stared at this box for a good hour, I took the 1st dose out, and stared at it, and prayed. Prayed that this will work, prayed that this slows things down. The past few days my hands and legs are not working the way I want them to, and its frustrating. Its frustrating to have to leave waImart because my legs went numb and I about took out a shelf. Its frustrating to watch Brad and the boys see me struggle because my heart hurts for them, for the walk they will take.
I feel like with this box, with this little brown pill my whole life is changed. Its no longer a missed diagnosis, its no longer someone made a mistake. Its real, and I can no longer push it down.
I have some projects working in the background that I am hoping to share with everyone once they finalize, and I am so exicted to bring all the glory to Him.
While today begins a new beginning of life for me, and my family, we are ready, and know at the end of it all God will get the glory.
Pill down….prayers up.