Yesterday was the video shoot for my story with Amyloidosis and it was one of the most amazing things I have ever been apart of. I had thought it was going to be small, but it was huge, all these cameras, lighting, and action shots were so much fun. Brad and I learned so much, that the sounds they pick up if constant can be taken out but like the refrigerator can’t because it comes on and off, so that was unplugged, the ac had to be turned off, and we had to stop for a few while a fed ex truck went by. Many laughs were had!
And while it was one of the most amazing things I have been apart of, it was also the most humbling. I am doing nothing special, but walking the walk that has been placed in front of me, and walking is used very liberal because lately there have been crawls, and tons of stumbles.
Yesterday some of the questions were hard, hard because somethings I have never said out loud, somethings I have not told anyone, especially Brad. Which you would think is crazy, but sometimes I feel like I have to clean up my feelings, place them in a nice box and then invite people in because they can be so overwhelming. Yesterday I got to see where I started and where I am, and see God’s hand in all of it. Looking back will have you in awe, I highly recommend it.
Last night was rough, I went to bed in tears, it was a long day and my legs were down, and not rested enough and I wanted to cut them off, I also was so tired because I tire so easy anymore, but it was so worth it. To be able to invite people in, to talk about how my faith helps me each step of the way, to talk about te legacy I want to leave behind for the boys, to talk about how much our church supports us and is there for us in ways we never thought.
Today is a day full of resting and reflecting on yesterday, working on that. Bucket list and when we can start checking more things off.
I am so thankful, I am just so thankful….it can be hard living in the He can…but what if He doesn’t and trying to find your balance, trying to find your place, trying to grasp that peace that He has for you, if you just let go and give it all to Him. I pray that I represented Him well yesterday, I know He was there, because we had so many texts of prayers before the day even started, not just for us, but for the crew that came, and for our home.
Future projects are coming and I can not wait!
Hisstoryovermine #Ihaveamyloidosis #attrwarrior #blessed #evenif