This verse was in my devotional today, and how fitting it is. These past few days have been rough. My hands not to be outdone by my legs have been losing function. I am dropping things more often then not. Our dishes are super heavy, and have become to heavy for me. I went to cut up a block of cheese and it took me just short of 2 hours. I have looked into lighter dishes and also a cutter to help with cheese. I look at these things and then I quit because I become frustrated that I need them, and that more money has to be spent on things to make it easier for me. Maybe easy isn’t the right road, I do not know, but I know that I do not like where I am.
He is ever so faithful keeping me from falling into this deep pit. This verse was in my devotional today, how my strength comes from HIM and not me. Last Sunday we got more ice then snow, and I prayed for snow, I really wanted to feel snow, and last night God heard that small silly prayer and we have snow on the ground. It may seem silly but to me, it’s a gentle reminder that He is there, He is listening, and He will not let me grow faint. I need to lean on HIM and SOAR!
Today I will go outside with Brad and the boys and make wonderful memories in our southern snow. I will enjoy what I can and not focus on what I can not. I will look at the things I need to be able to do things like cutting and carrying a plate as an thankfulness that God has provided us the ability to buy these things, and not how I am burden, and how it frustrates me that I need them.
Everyday is a choice, will I be thankful? Will I choose to worship Him for WHO HE is regardless of my situation.
I CHOOSE TO WORSHIP….onward we go…..thanks for walking home with me…