The webinar went great. There are a lot of drug treatments out that can extend life longer, I really need Jesus to get the fate of my dad out of my head. I can not do it on my own. I also talked to Dr. Judge and instead of June he is going to see …
Guide me
Tonight was our study, and I love how over the past few weeks I can see God’s hand. Tonight the lesson was on healing and miracles and praying. Each week has a lesson and most times one lesson takes us 2-3 weeks to cover it all, so God knew all along that in the moment, …
Genetic Counseling
I had genetics counseling yesterday, and it was an eye opening experience. We talked about how there is HOPE, there are so many more treatments now then when my dad was sick. She gave a good explanation of what Amybolyd is: we all produce proteins on our body, with me my protein is sticky and …
His plan not mine
We had out Bible study last night, I was going to come out and say what has been going on, I felt like God was telling me to let it out, but I couldn’t….saying it out loud makes it real, and I can’t take it back once it is said. And now I feel awful …
The beginning …
If I am being honest, I keep hoping this is just a test of my faith. That if I get to a point of 100% surrender, a point of 100% trust I won’t really have to walk down the Amyloidosis path…..but then reality sets in. I know thats not who My God is, so why …